• megaplayerQQ: Very good training session with a detailed student’s game review and discovered mistakes. Thanks a lot to the coach for such an approach to mentorship and education. It was very useful to listen and remember lots of nice moves and tricks. Recommended!
  • asithetes_test555: Very good training session with a detailed student’s game review and discovered mistakes. Thanks a lot to the coach for such an approach to mentorship and education. It was very useful to listen and remember lots of nice moves and tricks. Recommended!
  • Test_user: Very good training session with a detailed student’s game review and discovered mistakes. Thanks a lot to the coach for such an approach to mentorship and education. It was very useful to listen and remember lots of nice moves and tricks. Recommended!
  • testreg2: Very good training session with a detailed student’s game review and discovered mistakes. Thanks a lot to the coach for such an approach to mentorship and education. It was very useful to listen and remember lots of nice moves and tricks. Recommended!
  • testing: Very good training session with a detailed student’s game review and discovered mistakes. Thanks a lot to the coach for such an approach to mentorship and education. It was very useful to listen and remember lots of nice moves and tricks. Recommended!
  • mytest: Very good training session with a detailed student’s game review and discovered mistakes. Thanks a lot to the coach for such an approach to mentorship and education. It was very useful to listen and remember lots of nice moves and tricks. Recommended!
  • mytest: Very good training session with a detailed student’s game review and discovered mistakes. Thanks a lot to the coach for such an approach to mentorship and education. It was very useful to listen and remember lots of nice moves and tricks. Recommended!
  • testing: Recommended!
  • : Player’s review: Very good training session with a detailed student’s game review and discovered mistakes. Thanks a lot to the coach for such an approach to mentorship and education. It was very useful to listen and remember lots of nice moves and tricks. Recommended!
  • mytest: testtesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttesttest

Oleg (Sancti)

Plays Cash nl50. Coaches Cash nl2 - nl25. Very experienced and productive coach.